Installation Guide Once the archive is unzipped, go to the player's folder and then make a single execution with the root rights of the file pulseoff (the command sudo ./pulseoff in the terminal window). Then reboot the system. When pulseoff is executed, the line "autospawn = no" is added to the /etc/pulse/client.conf file, which disables the automatic start of the PulseAudio server. The server's auto launch may be reactivated by adding the ";" to the beginning of the line (followed by a reboot). For temporary toggling the PulseAudio server on and off, one can use the commands pulseaudio --start и pulseaudio --kill. When the player is in use, the PulseAudio has to be unloaded. It is imperative to use the root rights for the first launch of the player. It is necessary in order to allow the player to create a file of configuration of the audio system /etc/asound.conf. In the future, root rights launch of the player may be used to control system parameters which are inaccessible for applications with user rights. The launch is performed by execution of the file aplayer. It can be done from the mc panel, or by applying the command sudo ./aplayer on the command line in the player's folder. In the player's folder there is the file aplayer.desktop. Copying this file into the desktop folder in the user's folder places a shortcut for the program’s launch onto the desktop. A similar copying into the folder /usr/share/applications adds an item for launching the program from the system's menu. Paths in the .desktop file imply location of the player's folder in the /usr folder. If it does not appear so, the paths should be edited accordingly. In order to launch the player by using the shortcut or a menu command without root rights, the command sudo should be removed from the .desktop file. The player can be used in the service (daemon) mode. To use this mode, the file aplayer.service should be copied from the player's folder to the folder /etc/systemd/system. If the player's folder appears to be located not in the /usr folder, edited should be the following lines: WorkingDirectory=/usr/aplayer ExecStart=/usr/aplayer/aplayer The command to launch or re-launch the service is: sudo systemctl restart aplayer. The command to turn the service's auto launch on at boot is: sudo systemctl enable aplayer. The auto launch can be disabled by amending the above command by replacing enable to disable. The player's web interface is displayed in the web browser window. The web browser may be used at the same computer, or at another network-connected computer, or a tablet, or a smartphone. In the browser the web interface should be opened at the address localhost:7778 for a local access, or at ip_of_the_computer:7778 for an access through a network. To get accessed through a network, the computer's ip-address can be found among the information displayed on the terminal screen upon execution of the command ifconfig. At the first launch of the player, go to the settings panel (called up by the button at the bottom right of the panel) and then go to the Card tab, then check accessible sound cards to choose the one to be used for sound output, then insert her number into the input field and click the button "Apply". When the installation and the initial settings are complete, the player is ready to use. The UPnP/DLNA renderer can be installed and configured similarly to the player. Access to the web interface of the renderer occurs with the port number 7779: localhost:7779 for local access or ip_of_the_computer:7779 over the network. To run the renderer, execute the file ap2renderer. In the client application interface, this renderer will be visible as APlayer Media Renderer.